More indepth information in my book Off-world Influencers book (See link below). I also have a new Udemy course about extra-terrestrial archetypes.

From Arcturus
The Ohorai are spiritual teachers with purple-blueish skin, large almond-shaped eyes, and three fingers. They are very thin and have the ability to move objects with their minds through telekinesis, as well as communicate telepathically. They do not eat food like humans because of their ethereal bodies; instead, they absorb energy through their nervous system. They consume an effervescent elixir that nourishes their entire being and sleep only once a week. Their sleep allows them to connect with higher dimensional realms of consciousness. These Arcturians live 350-400 years and do not die of old age or disease, ... Read more in the book

From Arcturus
The Arcturian beings are the protectors and guardians of higher consciousness. They live in a unified civilization. On their planet, there is no ego or competition. There is no such thing as mental or physical illness. Arcturians are here to assist in raising the vibrational frequency of Earth in order to accommodate us in the fourth and fifth densities. They, as a civilization, have previously gone through the evolutionary process that humanity is currently undergoing. Their technology is extremely advanced and is based on sacred geometry. ... Read more in the book

From Arcturus
The Arcturian beings are the protectors and guardians of higher consciousness. They live in a unified civilization. On their planet, there is no ego or competition. There is no such thing as mental or physical illness. Arcturians are here to assist in raising the vibrational frequency of Earth in order to accommodate us in the fourth and fifth densities. They, as a civilization, have previously gone through the evolutionary process ... Read more in the book ...Read more in the book

From Beta Cam
The nefarious E.T race known as Mazarek can be found 100 light years from Earth in a star system called Beta Cam. This race is a cross between Greys and Reptilians, which is a bad mix. They are sometimes referred to as "Blue Glass Aliens" due to their unique skin color. They stand about 5 feet tall and are easily identifiable on the street due to their nearly glowing blue transparent skin. Because of their predatory nature, the Galactic Federation has long denied... Read more in the book

From galaxy M-114
They are known as Praying Mantis beings and come from the Sombrero Galaxy M-114. They can exist in densities ranging from 3rd to 9th. These Grey-type insectoids are frequently present in abduction scenarios, performing hands-on work. They are tall, green, and resemble the Praying Mantis that we have here on Earth. They can grow to be 9 feet tall and are extremely telepathic. The eggs of the Amhara Mantis They are master geneticists, and while they appear malevolent, it is more accurate to describe them as neutral. ... Read more in the book

This race is thought to be from Sirius A, the Dogstar. Could this be Anubis, the Egyptian God of the Underworld? It has been seen numerous times since and is also mentioned in passing by whistleblowers from the Secret Space Program. As a result, they are enigmatic.... Read more in the book

From cetus, Aghraban
The Dries are a visually distinct race with distinguishing characteristics such as translucent skin and glowing eyes. Tall, up to 8 feet tall, skinny, and physically strong. The complex structure of the skull also stands out. Dries lay eggs that they transport with them. They've been spotted at least 20 times. They have kidnapped at least 520 people of both genders. They have two planets and have colonized at least 40 planets using slaves. Ten of them were kidnapped. They collaborate with three other races. His two planets are chemically equivalent to Earth. Humans are expected to learn about it in 2022. ... Read more in the book

From Caryoun in Orion
The Carians are a race of birdlike Beings who now live in the Caryoun star system. Some claim they are the first sentient beings, while others claim they are descendants of the Laan human race from Lyra who migrated to the Orion sector and settled on a tropical planet. The conditions on their original planet were different, and they had to hybridize with local species to adapt, birds being one of them. As a result, they now appear as a blue feathered humanoid with wings. They still value their Man System culture and traditions. They are tall, ranging in height from 10-15 feet. You may have heard of the Blue Avians from Corey Goode. Even though his depiction may deviate from this one, these are supposedly that race... Read more in the book

From planet Thula in Sirius B
The Nommo are an amphibious species that originated on Nyan, a planet in the Thula (Sirius B) system. According to Elena Danaans' book, they were chased out by the Orion Alliance and migrated to a planet in the Ashkeru system with an elliptic orbit for the two other stars. They discovered a perfect planet and terraformed it to suit their needs. They named it Xylanthia. The Nommos are androgynous amphibians. The strong gravitational pull of Ashkera and the dense magnetism of stars Thula and Emrya is an odd combination that reflects the type of life-forms that live on Xylanthia. It is an amazing ... Read more in the book

The Orelai are Tall Greys from the Ophiciucus Constellation. We recognize them as one of the five races in the ancient Council of Five, which has been watching over Earth for centuries. They, like the other members, are old and wise. They are a positive race of beings with distinct features. They have a distinct appearance from the standard grey type, despite the fact that they occasionally wear protective lenses on their eyes. A small, narrow mouth and a big nose. Even though they have two genders, they no longer reproduce, according to contactee Elena Danaan. They use advanced technology ... Read more in the book

The Archons are non-physical etheric entities/energy leeches. They thrive on negative energy, particularly that of black magic and mind control. The Archons are a parasitic life form with no form at first. They manifest as etheric entities and disrupt human consciousness. We have no idea what our abilities are, and our power has been taken from us. As a result, these parasites have taken on our personas. The Archons are thought to be the etheric masters of the Draco Empire, and the Draco controls the rest of the service to self beings, including Zetas, Maytras, and other reptilian factions. The Archons are fully functional on Earth. And the Archons are hellbent on keeping the Earth's vibration low due to multidimensional or metaphysical consciousness hidden behind layers of reality. Because they feed on negative emotions, if we ascend to a higher ... Read more in the book